John Hardy Divorce Coach
Helping Men Recover from Divorce Separation, Toxic Relationships and Domestic Abuse
Accredited Male Divorce Coach
“Learn the skills that Empower you to cope with a divorce! “
Take Control Back of your Life and Move Forward Positively!
I can help you create a roadmap towards a brighter future as you go through a divorce by:
• Helping you better understand the how’s and why’s of your current situation.
• Helping you navigate the challenges of the divorce process and assisting with identifying domestic abuse.
• Providing the best tools and support to help you negotiate with a difficult Ex in Co-Parenting or Parallel Parenting situations.
• Provide you the skills to deal with post-separation abuse and move forward with your life in a positive direction.
• Help you realize that it’s not what happens to you in life that defines you, it’s what you do about it that makes you the person you are.
About Me…
I Have Been There and Can Help!
I am John Hardy, a divorce survivor of a long-term toxic and abusive relationship. After starting into my divorce, I very quickly found out that there was not a lot of qualified Male divorce coaches in the U.S. I had a Psychists and Therapist, but I felt like they either wanted to treat me with medication or just ask me questions about how I was feeling. What I needed was someone that would listen to my situation that was armed with the knowledge, skills, tools and experience to help be able to guide me through a difficult divorce separation. If I would have had a Divorce Coach throughout my divorce my mental and emotional recovery time would have been much shorter. I also would have known what to expect and avoid some of the pitfalls to look out for that would have made my separation much smoother with a lot less anxiety and stress! Now that I am starting a new chapter of my life, I have shifted my focus to helping people that are having to go through a difficult divorce and need support. Whether it be dealing with the rollercoaster of emotions that you may be experiencing, feeling of loneliness or emptiness or just how to get unstuck and move forward with life and have a positive outlook and mind set!
I have been there for all of what I mentioned above and much more! Fortunately, I was blessed to find and take Sara Davison’s Accredited Divorce and Break up Coaching Practitioner Program and her Master Practitioner Coaching Program that focuses on Toxic Relations and Domestic Abuse. My goal is to help the next person like me that’s struggling with a rough divorce that’s trying to manage day to day life and needs a guide to point them toward the Bright Light at the end of the tunnel and keep them on track!
God Bless!
John Hardy
Meet Dee.. My Emotional Divorce Support Poodle. :) Pets are a great way to help provide companionship when going through a divorce!